Over a week ago, we successfully organized the third edition of the Polish Process Mining Day 2023. This conference stands as the largest event in Poland, focusing entirely on state-of-the-art and modern process analytics. The conference has become an annual tradition, where professionals and experts gather to shape the future of process data in Poland.
The event was co-organized by 10 Senses and Data & Process Mining Group at the University of Science and Technology.
The program of the conference
The Polish Process Mining Day 2023 featured eight lectures led by industry process mining leaders, sharing their expertise with the audience. The event started with an introduction to the topic by Łukasz Borowiecki, PhD, the CEO of 10 Senses. He discussed how Process Mining works and highlighted the potential benefits it brings to organizations.
Our conference covered the following topics:
Cutting-edge research:
Agnes Koschmider, from the University of Bayreuth, delivered the keynote presentation about how to deploy Process Mining for Unstructured Data. She outlined new fields of application for process data and summarized the requirements for new process science technologies to enhance business process performance. Moreover, Agnes shared her experience with task mining, process discovery and process design.
Agnieszka Żuber presented her work on the PhD thesis titled “Analyzing Mining Process Based on Event Data,” which introduces fact based insights and an analytic method for modeling and analyzing the longwall mining process using event logs. In addition, she demonstrated the application of process mining tools and process mining software in the heavy industry. Her presentation was particularly interesting because there are few use cases in this field.
Polish Community
Poland is home to many active PM and BPM professionals. However, the community as a whole does not receive sufficient visibility. Edyta Brzychczy provided insights into the Polish Business Process Management and PM community, including updates on recent and upcoming events. During her lecture, she also showcased current projects at AGH Data & PM Group, many of which are focused on Industry 4.0 topics.
Process Mining use cases from companies
Karolina Szczurek presented HEINEKEN’s journey with process mining discovers. She emphasized the implementation and sustainability of existing business processes within the organization by aligning with company goals, fostering an active user community, and adopting a business-as-usual process excellence approach. She also presented the importance of extracting knowledge from the sequential process steps, which improves common business processes.
Krzysztof Sitarski from Zimmer Biomet, demonstrated how applying process analytics can uncover hidden improvement opportunities and address issues. Krzysztof focused on key performance indicators and explained how process mining can help with business operations. He shared how his company combines process mining capabilities and process models with other tools and other processes to achieve optimal outcomes.
Olga Kacprzak showcased how mBank leverages data-driven insights from process mining to optimize its operations, emphasizing the importance of building a “PM ecosystem” for ensuring effectiveness. She also discussed the growing market for process mining vendors and emphasized the importance of business processes.
Structuring project and preparing the data
All the speakers discussed the structuring of PM projects, with Marek K. Zieliński, the CTO of 10 Senses, specifically focusing on the essential steps required to initiate and execute a successful one. Marek emphasized project setup, including scheduling and data preparation, which includes data selection, cleaning, and transformation.
Polish Process Mining Day 2023 aimed to have more than 100 participants. We are glad to announce that we achieved that goal this year. We are happy that many people had the opportunity to watch and experience broadening the scope of process mining work.
The conference recordings will be available on our YouTube channel soon, allowing everyone to discover the latest process improvement in optimizing processes.
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